West Sussex
East Grinstead
East Court, College Lane
Distance (S) from Greenwich
OS map detailsOS Explorer: 135
OS grid refTQ 39932.38620
WGS84 lat/long51.129771, -0.001572
Marking date3 Jun 2002
Greenwich Meridian Marker; England; West Sussex; East Grinstead


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East Grinstead probably first celebrated its position on the Meridian in 1954 when it acquired a coat of arms – this incorporates a white line representing the Meridian running through the town. The Town Council offices are located in East Court, a former country house, built in 1769 and extended in 1906–07.

Although erected for the Queen’s Golden Jubilee in 2002, the beacon does stand more or less on the Meridian. But as to whether it was deliberately positioned on the Line, it is hard to say as the numerous other Meridian marks at East Court are all slightly out of alignment with one another. The town’s coat of arms is one of several that decorate the top of the beacon.