Location | England Hertfordshire Cold Christmas |
S side of: Cold Christmas Lane | |
Distance (N) from Greenwich | |
OS map details | OS Explorer: 194 |
OS grid ref | TL 37791.17009 (537791,217009) |
WGS84 lat/long | 51.834701, -0.001590 |
Type | Tree | MTL? |
Marking date | 2000? |
Access | Unrestricted |
At the time of the Millennium, the points where the Meridian crosses the roads of East Hertfordshire were marked by the planting of an oak tree. Not every road was marked, only ones like this, where a suitable planting site was available. The nearby residents may have thought otherwise about its suitability. The tree has been regularly trimmed, presumably in an attempt to restrict it size and prevent it from overshadowing the houses to the north.